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It is only -15*C outside and I've managed to overheat...

After looking inside the bonnet I've found the reason - the coolant....has frozen.
Anyway, the heat from the engine eventually melted it and I was ready to go. Need coolant change.
S2 licensed
Welding didn't work.
Drilled the bolt through, so it had 1-2 mm of sidewall left, hammered on a smaller key, turned the key and the wheel is free...And then I noticed it had a nail in the tire. Meh, I'll change tires anyway.
S2 licensed
Its getting colder in here, so I decided to change to winter tires and as I had a set of them on a separate set of steelies, I decided to do it myself. But the bolt on a rear left wheel decided "hell no!" The edges of the bolt head got sliced. Besides, the bolt itself is kind of low and it is set deep into the rim, so no chance to grab it with a proper tool. I've tried hammering on a smaller tool onto it, but no luck.

I guess I'll have to find a welder to weld a screw-nut onto the bolt now, or drill the bolt through. FML
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Rubbish.

Hull down T29? Hey, instead of having to think about how to flank and get round behind/beside them, you just turn off Mr. Brain, turn on auto-aim, switch to gold and open fire. I really enjoy playing my Pz B2 740, I like the fact it can take a lot of punishment but the weedy gun means that you have to really make use of weakspots and know exactly which targets you can and can't take on. A Hetzer used to be a very dangerous opponent to me, requiring tactics to flank them or a brave move to take out their tracks and get round behind/beside them - they're pretty much impenetrable head-on. No more. Hit auto-aim, put something heavy on the mouse button and go make a brew.

I also enjoy driving Pz B2. It does have a weak gun. I used to have an experiment back in the patch when French tanks were introduced, I bought 20 gold rounds for gold for shooting at B1 and AMX40, because there were lots of them. And you know what, out of 20 shots, only 3-5 penetrated.

Hetzer is still a certain death to B2 unless he is an idiot.
T-29 turret is still a rock, whatever you'll shoot it.

What I'm trying to tell you is that GOLD ammo \=100% penetration. Its been a week since 0.8.1. released in RU region and global collapse didn't come.

As for profit...Using 3-5 gold rounds per battle on 5-7 tier tanks will still have you profit. Yes it will be smaller, but still a +. If you want to get into higher tiers and have comfort playing you'll need a premium account or a tier 8 premium tank, that is devs official position.
Tier 8 HT, MT and tier 9 MT do have a profit out of having gold ammos. Tier 8 AT, Tier 9 HT don't really need it. I drive T-54 and use 3-5 gold rounds in some battles and still have small profit or zero balance. That was just as an example.

The armor started to decrease its value quite a long time before these changes (French tanks and new soviet and US tanks with 270mm penetration).

By the way, if we are talking about game balance problems, I think there is one that is more serious than gold ammos. Does EU region also having 4-8 Artillery of tier 7-8 in every battle you go in tiers 9-10? That is what really messes up the balance IMO.

P.S. Anyway, that gold ammo experiment is just an experiment which might be ended after 0.8.2.
So, just try it for yourself, as 0.8.1 is released at EU region soon IIRC.
S2 licensed
Maus died as a heavily armored tank many patches ago. The game balance is moving towards MT tanks and fast thin armored HT tanks overall. Is it good or bad, time will show. As for gold ammos...I drive IS-7 from time to time and I haven't noticed the increase of penetrations on my armor that much. More than that, quite a lot of people used to have gold ammo (3-5 pcs) just in case anyway.
Besides, the GBR (Great Belorussian random) rules in this game anyway. Stupid hits without damage won't go anyway, and gold ammo still have -+25% penetration.

It's just that everyone is equal now, weather you donate or not. I don't think it is a bad thing. If tanks like KV-4, Maus will have significant decrease in their statistics they'll have an buff. They game won't collapse
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Wow the t54 gets 350mm pen ammo with gold while the normal ammo gets only 201 or 219 pen depending the gun. I think the gold ammo is very much game breaking. A tier 9 medium should not fight against t10 heavies frontally anyways.

I think the premium ammo for credits is a horrible mistake for all kinds of reasons (economy model is broken, game balance is broken, some tanks are broken while others stay unaffected plus the pay2win benefit for the premium account users...).

Luckily the 8.1 is not yet on the eu servers.

219mm penetration was already enough to penetrate HT10 frontally, you just need to know weak spots. Also T-54 gold ammo has no normalization, so the actual penetrating possibility on angled armor is less efficient.

I'm playing for a while with this ammo changes. It really is exaggerated. Only tanks with low penetration and HE ammos as main ammo had a little boost. Gold ammo isn't THAT much better. If you'll act like an idiot and shoot T29 into the turret, or upper front armor of Maus gold ammo won't help you anyway. And as most of the players are idiots who don't even know you should be aiming at certain weak spots the difference will be miserable. Skilled drivers will just get an extra chance to fight back a little more. Idiots will suffer, just like before.

Besides, having more than 5-10 rounds is unnecessary. You just don't need to. Getting to the top condition got more comfortable. You're still getting a positive balance result after a battle if you use gold ammo, wisely (I'm not using PA). They aren't needed as often as might appear.

Some tanks like KV2 (152mm) etc. might need slight re-balance later, but that isn't a critical change.
S2 licensed
Yeah, getting top gun on Tiger was a pain in the arse, but there are only a few tanks in the game that are playable in stock (su-152).I'm sure you'll agree with me that getting 30k exp on tiger with 8.8\56 gun is a walk in the park compared to getting 60r exp on ISU-152.
Allthough it got much comfortable now, gold shots for credits make a diffirence.
S2 licensed
Quote from Sobis :Oh hell no, I'm not going back to German heavys. I had Tiger and it was so awful! I had ~20 matches with it and I didn't enjoy any of them at all. With my KV-3 I can feel like a real tank. If I'm thrown into T7 and below matches, I can feel like a real tank. Many T6 tanks are having hard time penetrating me and T5 has no chanses (well ofc he does if he knows the weak spots). But the problem is I don't think I want to grind almost 2 millions for the KV-4 even tho it was a fun tank to play in the 8.0 test server.

Tiger is a tier 7 fat AT. Using it as a tank in close range combats will have poor results. Ideally, you should be working at 400-500m ranges without getting spotted. Unfortunatly, it is hard to find such opportunity and place in all battles at diffirent locations.
on the other hand,It has a pretty good moveability, rate of fire, huge amount of HP, why don't you try to support MT directions? It does that quite well.
On the other hand, Tiger P is the sort of tank that is close to soviet HT tanks regarding battle style.

Both are good tanks IMO.
S2 licensed
The possibility of having premium bullets for credits has liven up the game IMO. My beloved Hetzer is punishing KVs heavilly now. Driving T-54 got easier two. I play in the squad with my mate usually. There was a situation some time ago, when we accidently popped up out of the corner where two IS-7 were waiting for us head on. If we wouldn't have used gold shells we'd be done. Object 268 came in right in time and finished the last of them.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :With this thinking......

Logi just go for it if it feels good to you, call the guy.

Just don't think I'm a cruel coldblooded kitty-killer, it just the way it is done in here. I've through such stories a few times. If something sounds to good to be true you'll need to think 10 times and check everything 20 times, otherwise you'll most probably get troubles.

Maybe car sellers in USA aren't like ours, then it is only for Logitek's good.

Checking everything more accurately won't hurt anyone, that's for sure.
I just wanted to warn him.
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :yep, more like this.. who would want to drive half way anything if he was unsure if the car would be sold or not

How about knowing the car is pure crap, but looks good from the outside and you'll only find out you were fooled when it begins to fall apart. It might be even stolen. Selling it to guy far away is the best way to get rid of the car.

I really doubt the seller would have troubles selling a good car for a good price anywhere near him. Let alone driving the 4 hour trip just for meeting a POSSIBLE buyer.

If he's so desperate to sell the car to you he is either:

a)Super honorable person which for an odd reason loyal to selling the car EXACTLY to you
b) an idiot, point a) includes point b)
c) He's trying to get rid of a car and looking for an idiot to do it. All idiots nearby run out, so he's searching some far away.

I wouldn't do such advanture. Too suspicious IMHO.
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed

Wearing a seatbelt in the club, that's the way you do it!
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Airride is an option, hydraulics is for people of the african american descent.

Pardon my English, I meant airride
S2 licensed
I thought you should be installing a hydraulics suspension on cars that low, so you can actually drive your car...

I should upload a video of ordinary road driving in here from my video-registrator, I wonder how many meters such car would be able to travel in here
S2 licensed
0.8.0 update tomorrow on RU server
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :You can tell us what all the patches are like before they're released on EU

Quote from CodieMorgan :

- the EU guys see it as IS - not the russian way ( The EU guys that say JS-7 and KW-2 annoy the shit out of me - when they are marked as IS-7, KV2 - good thing u are on RU server - you have a good excuse to ).

Well, the original name is "ИС-7 - Иосиф Сталин" Joseph Stalin, so technically, JS should be th right way. As for "KW", it is named after Kilm Voroshilov, so it can only be named KV.
S2 licensed
I must confess, that WoT is the game that totally moved me out of LFS after selling my G25. I've been playing for 2 years now. I've dome 11k battles so far. 54,4 w\r. RU region.

What I've achived so far: (JS-7, JS-4(sold), T110E5, T110E4 (researched already, but I won't be buying it as will be cut down in 0.8.0), T-54, Object 261(researched only), AMX 50-100 (researched only), Lorraine (sold for now).

Germans: KT and VK4501A researched, waiting for some event to come by.

LT: T50-2, VK2801.

As for premium tanks: T2LT, Tetrarch, Pzkw B2, Churchill, T-25, T34 (got it for free:razz

Tanks that are left in the garage for fun: Hetzer (permanently!), SU-5, SU-26.
S2 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius :What kind of engine? I hear these were pretty quick compared to classic RWD ladas.

Enough acceleration to get 0-60km\h within traffic. It's under 1tonn, and FWD transmition has less powerloss compared to RWD.

I usually drive in calm peacefull manner, so that amount of power is enough.
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed
My daily car

Yes, it's a Lada. 2108' 1987, made in USSR!
The photo is quite old, it now has fog lights attached and new tyres.

If you'll look closely you may notice that fron and rear rims are different Was bought this way, and believe it or not, the front rims are Momo's 13''. I was trying to find a pair of the same rims, but failed.

A set of winter studded tires are on steelies.

Replaced original front seats for Toyota Celica's seats and sportish small steering wheel. The original wheel is pretty big and it touches my legs while driving, so the new wheel was a necessary measure.

First car is just like a first love, you'll never forget it.

Actually, it isn't that bad, the only things that I don't like with this car is that its noisy and eats quite a lot of petrol.

It drives great in snow, the road clearance is about 20cm front and 25cm rear (yeah, it is raised) as well as studded tires make a great little SUV from it
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :Cheap to run is quite an overstatement for me. I can't find a car cheap to run if it does 12 litres / 100km when my golf did 5.

That's too much, it's either your carburator messed up, you push it like mad all the time or engine is ****ed up (which it is already, judging by your pics:razz

My 2108 does 9-10l/100km. I do agree that they are thirsty though.

Yet my point of ladas being cheap to run was based on the price of spare parts, especially in post USSR area.
S2 licensed
Quote from KiRmelius :Engine works with major damage, and you say Lada is bad?

Lada isn't bad. It has its advantages as well as disadvantages...
You either accept it or not. Great thing as a first car. Cheap to run and will make know how to use a screwdriver
S2 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :MOT'd lada with a restored engine = 800€ (winter = more demands for RWD)

junk = 100€

select one

and besides, why take something to scrapyard because it's not working at that state? it is fixable, i want to gain more experience, fair deal

What did you to it, so it bended intake valves? Missed the time for changing the Belt?

Lada's spares are dirt cheap, in here at least.

P.S. Yes, I drive the LADA (2108 '87 though, your must be 2105/7 - those are less tough)
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Joku123 :I got TK'd on the test server by some russian although I had _RU behind my name. Yes, I also have account on ru server with same email as on eu server.

There are enough idiots that will TK you even on the main servers, nothing to be worried about...
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Be prepared to get TK'd by the Russians if your username ends in '_EU' though...

Unfortunatly, there are a lot of children and idiots from post USSR area (or combined) on test servers, but to be honest, US players get more agression. Never seen TKs myself though. Its just the understanding that they won't get banned on the main server for what they do on the test ones making them feeling limitless. Typical narrowminded behavior...
S2 licensed
Quote from Tinytacohead :Cool. As far as AWD vs. FWD, the better choice is obvious.. though a FWD with decent tires is definitely no slouch in the slickery stuff.

AWD is better in winter in some occasions, but as long as he lives in city where roads are cleaned form snow regulary (unlike my city) FWD with good (prefferebly spiked tyres) will be enough. Besides AWD will use more fuel.

Besides, the most visible advantage of AWD is the launch in deep snow or slippery surface or going uphill on a slipppery road. It will not affect braking or steering that much compared to FWD.
Last edited by [RF]-art555, .